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DnD Scribe. Great tool to manage your D&D Characters

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DnD Scribe is no longer available! Please use RPG Scribe instead.


What makes DnD Scribe so unique?

Most digital character sheets are complicated. You open them up and feel completely lost. DnD Scribe is different as it focuses on simplicity and ease of use. Creating or leveling-up a character is done using specially designed wizards that guide you step-by-step. Convenient, accessible and powerful – that's what DnD Scribe is.

What classes are supported in DnD Scribe?

All classes from Player's Handbook are supported. We plan to add more classes (and other content) later.

Is multi-classing supported?

Yes. During level-up you can select which class to gain level in.

Are granted feats supported?

As you level up in selected class, granted feats will appear on your feats tab. Any granted feats that can be chosen as an option will be available as bonus feats at level-up.

Do feats have any effect on my character?

Yes, but not all of them. You can easily tell whether a feat has any implemented effects by viewing its description screen. Some effects work only in a very specific conditions and therefore they are not implemented.

Can I define temporary modifiers for ability scores?

Yes. Just tap ability icon on the main tab to view ability inspector – there you can define custom modifier. You can do the same with many other statistics like skills, save throws, armor class and other.

Does carrying weight make any impact on my stats?

Yes. When carrying excessive weight, penalties are applied to your skills – just as described in the Player's Handbook. Even coinage weight can be optionally added to total load.

Why there is no way to input character's sex or age?

Such things where omitted to make room for more useful statistics. There is no need to clutter the interface with things you can easily keep track off.

Is monk's unarmored AC bonus reflected on the sheet?

In short – yes.

Is skill synergy implemented in DnD Scribe?

Yes. You can easily check what modifiers contribute to a total skill modifier by taping a row on the skills tab.

Is there going to be an Android / iPad / other platform version of the App?

This is very possible, but we can't confirm anything at this moment. Follow our twitter feed for any news.

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